We are using industry leading Southwire Continuous Rod Casting Technology

With a rod production capacity over 50,000 metric tonnes per year, KANAK's production line is the largest of its kind in the NCR region.

KANAK CCR believes that the primary benefit of every new technology, when put to an efficient operation, naturally magnifies the efficiency. This, in turn, will empower employees and bring out the best in terms of quality and production.

  • With a rod manufacturing capacity of more than 50,000 metric tonnes per year, KANAK’s production line is the largest of its kind in the NCR Region. KANAK CCR manufactures its premium copper rods using industry-leading Southwire Continuous Rod Casting Technology.
  • Southwire Continuous Rod (SCR) is the world’s most technically sophisticated continuous rod technology for producing electrolytic tough pitch (ETP) copper rod. Since the 1960s, Southwire technology has been an innovator and technical leader in copper rod manufacture.
  • The Southwire Continuous Rod (SCR) method produces the best grade copper wire rod, and the system has been improved and developed to boost product quality and efficiency. SCR technique is used to manufacture more than half (50%) of all copper rods manufactured worldwide.

Laboratory Testing Equipment

Our cutting-edge laboratory provides the instruments required to manufacture, monitor, and test products that meet or exceed international standards.

The following tools were employed in the testing process: LECO Oxygen Analyzer, Twist/Torsion Tester, UTS (Ultimate Tensile Strength) Tester, Resistivity Bridge, and Metallurgical Microscope.