Annealed Bare Copper Wire


KANAK CCR primarily serves the industrial market by manufacturing and providing Annealed Bare Copper Wire that fulfils all national and international quality and performance criteria.

A bare copper wire is a wire made of copper metal with a single conductor for electrical communications, as opposed to a copper cable, which has numerous bare copper wires banded together into a common jacket. Annealed Bare Copper Wire is created by hardening copper and heating it below its melting point to make it flexible. These copper materials are then used to make annealed bare copper wire.

Annealing copper wire softens it and decreases its hardness, making it more useable for many goods.

Annealed copper wires have great malleability, are kink free, have high electrical and thermal conductivity, are very flexible wires, are soft and annealed, and are highly conductive.