Fine Copper Wire


Using superior grade components and cutting-edge technologies in accordance with industry requirements. KANAK CCR has long been a leading provider of fine and superfine copper wires to a wide range of sectors, both domestic and foreign. Wires are drawn in a variety of widths and thicknesses to meet the needs of a wide range of clients worldwide.

KANAK CCR has been a dominating provider of fine and super fine copper wires to a varied variety of sectors, whether national or international, by employing the highest quality components and cutting-edge technology in accordance with established industry standards. To meet the needs of the many different clients throughout the world, wires are drawn in a variety of widths and thicknesses.

Copper wire thickness is crucial when purchasing it since different products, instruments, and applications require varying electrical voltages, power handling capacities, and heat sensitivity, among other things. As a Standard Wire Gauge, Fine Copper Wire is supplied in various thicknesses.

For diameters ranging from (0.04mm-1mm), copper wires are first drawn hard. Depending on the specifications, these wires are subsequently manufactured as bare, annealed, or hard drawn wires.